Professor Dekel's Articles
Semonella, M., Marchesi, G., Andersson, G., Dekel, R., Pietrabissa, G., & Vilchinsky, N. (2024). Usability study of SOSteniamoci: An internet-based intervention platform to support informal caregivers in Italy. Digital Health, 10, 20552076231225082.
Ismail, A., & Dekel, R. (2023). Competing aspects of the rural Arab mothers' bereavement experience. Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 2261-2275.
Gouzman, J., Soskolne, V., & Dekel, R. (2023). COVID-19 pandemic among adults with intellectual disabilities: Implementing a social model of disability in crisis and trauma situations. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 17446295231196207.
Hava, D., Solomon, Z., & Dekel, R. (2023). Predicting depression among spouses of ex-POWs: the contribution of exposure to violence, trauma, and stress through the life cycle. Journal of interpersonal violence, 38(5-6), 4832-4851.
Ismail, A., & Dekel, R. (2023). Continuing bonds of bereaved Muslims mothers with their young dead child. Death Studies, 1-12.
Zaks, I., Dekel, R., Zuckerman, Y. S., & Horesh, D. (2023). Study protocol: A multimethod psychophysiological randomized controlled trial of a couple therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 132, 107280.
Zanbar, L., Dekel, R., Ben-Tzur, N., Kaniasty, K., & Possick, C. (2023). How does parenthood moderate paths between personal and community resources and distress following collective trauma?. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32(4), 1148-1164.
Semonella, M., Bertuzzi, V., Dekel, R., Andersson, G., Pietrabissa, G., & Vilchinsky, N. (2023). Applying dyadic digital psychological interventions for reducing caregiver burden in the illness context: a systematic review and a meta-analysis protocol. BMJ open, 13(5), e070279.
Krinkin, Y., & Dekel, R. (2023). Sexual grooming processes carried out by offending rabbis toward religious men and their families. Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106491.
Yakobi, M., Dekel, R., Yavnai, N., Ben Yehuda, A., & Shelef, L. (2023). Contributing Factors to Israeli Soldiers’ Adaptation to Military Noncombat Positions. Military Medicine, 188(7-8), e1981-e1989.
Adelstein Yardeni, N., Dekel, R., & Ramon, D. (2022). The contribution of self-disclosure as a personal and interpersonal characteristic within the couple relationship to recovery from posttraumatic stress. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Eisenberg, R., Fait, K., Dekel, R., Levi, N., Hod, H., Matezki, S., & Vilchinsky, N. (2022). Cardiac-disease-induced posttraumatic stress symptoms (CDI-PTSS) among cardiac patients’ partners: A longitudinal study. Health Psychology.
Gouzman, J., Soskolne, V., & Dekel, R. (2022). Framing the meaning of COVID-19 and the psychological responses to it: Insights gleaned from selected theoretical approaches. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(13), 3046-3058.
Krinkin, Y., Enosh, G., & Dekel, R. (2022). The religious implications of being sexually abused by a rabbi: qualitative research among Israeli religious men. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105901.
Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., & Silberg, T. (2022). Families following pediatric traumatic medical events: identifying psychosocial risk profiles using latent profile analysis. European journal of psychotraumatology, 13(2), 2116825.
Shelef, L., Schiff, M., Pat-Horenczyk, R., & Dekel, R. (2022). COVID-19 vs. terrorism: Contribution of the COR theory to the process of coping with invisible threats. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Siegel, A. & Dekel, R. (2022). Frontline love: Romantic partners of frontline doctors and nurses during the New York City COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Marriage and Family. DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12831.
Zarzycki, M., Seddon, D., Bei, E., Dekel, R., & Morrison, V. (2022). How culture shapes informal caregiver motivations: a meta-ethnographic review. Qualitative Health Research, 32(10), 1574-1589.
Cramm, H., Godfrey, C. M., Murphy, S., McKeown, S., & Dekel, R. (2022). Experiences of children growing up with a parent who has military-related post-traumatic stress disorder: a qualitative systematic review. JBI evidence synthesis, 20(7), 1638-1740.
Semonella, M., Andersson, G., Dekel, R., Pietrabissa, G., & Vilchinsky, N. (2022). Making a virtue out of necessity: COVID-19 as a catalyst for applying Internet-based psychological interventions for informal caregivers. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 856016.
Dekel, R., Shorer, S., & Nuttman‐Shwartz, O. (2022). Living with spousal loss: Continuing bonds and boundaries in remarried widows’ marital relationships. Family process, 61(2), 674-688.
Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (2021). Predicting secondary posttraumatic stress symptoms among spouses of veterans: Veteran’s distress or spouse’s perception of that distress?. Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy.
Hussein, S., Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Shadmi, E., Brezner, A., Landa, J., & Silberg, T. (2021). Using a biopsychosocial approach to examine differences in post-traumatic stress symptoms between Arab and Jewish Israeli mothers following a child’s traumatic medical event. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20, 1-12.
Shaked, O., Dekel, R., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2021). Predicting changes in PTSD and Depression among female intimate partner violence survivors during shelter residency : A longitudinal study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 13(3), 349–358.
Zanbar, L., Kaniasty, K., Ben-Tzur, N., & Dekel, R. (2021). Personal mastery
and community dedication as mediators of the association of trauma exposure with PTSS and PTG. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 13(2), 174–184. |
Dekel, R., Shaked, O., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2020). The interrelations of physical and mental health: self-rated health, depression, and PTSD among female IPV survivors. Violence against women, 26(3-4), 379-394.
Gilbar, O., Taft, C., & Dekel, R. (2020). Male intimate partner violence: Examining the roles of childhood trauma, PTSD symptoms, and dominance. Journal of Family Psychology.
Zamir, O., Gewirtz, A., Dekel, R., Lavi, T., & Tangir-Dotan, G. (2020). Mothering under political violence: Posttraumatic symptoms, observed maternal parenting practices, and child externalizing behavior. International Journal of Psychology, 55, 123-132.
Siegel, A., Dekel, R., & Svetlicky, V. (2020). The contribution of empathy to the adjustment of male military veterans and their female partners. Family Relations. doi:10.1111/fare.12523
Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., & Silberg, T. (2020). Child and family factors associated with posttraumatic stress responses following a traumatic medical event: The role of medical team support. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(9), 1063-1073.
Refaeli, T., Levy, D., Ben-Porat, A., Dekel, R., & Itzhaky, H. (2019). Personal and environmental predictors of depression among victims of intimate partner violence: Comparison of immigrant and Israeli-born women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34, 1487-1511.
Nuttman-Shwartz, O., Shorer, S., & Dekel, R. (2019). Long-term grief and sharing courses among military widows who remarried. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 11,828-836.
Dekel, R., Shaked, O., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2019). The interrelations of physical and mental health: Self-rated health, depression, and PTSD among female IPV survivors. Violence Against Women, 26, 379-304.
Shoval-Zuckerman, Y., Dekel, R., Cohen, G., & Levi, O., (2019) Adjustment profiles of Yom Kippur war veterans seeking delayed help from the IDF. International Review of Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2019.1601072
Dekel, R., Shaked, O. Z., Ben-Porat, A., & Itzhaky, H. (2019). Posttraumatic stress disorder upon admission to shelters among female victims of domestic violence: an ecological model of trauma. Violence and Victims, 34(2), 329-345.
Ennis, N., Shorer, S., Shoval‐Zuckerman, Y., Freedman, S., Monson, C. M., & Dekel, R. (2019). Treating posttraumatic stress disorder across cultures: A systematic review of cultural adaptations of trauma‐focused cognitive behavioral therapies. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Gilbar, O., Dekel, R., Hyland, P., Cloytre, M. (2019). The role of complex posttraumatic stress symptoms in the association between exposure to traumatic events and severity of intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 98, 104174.
Levy, D., Ben-Porat, A., Kattoura, O., Dekel, R., & Itzhaky, H. (2019). Predicting depression among Jewish and Arab Israeli women who are victims of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 1–19.
Gilbar, O., Hyland, P., Cloitre, M., & Dekel, R. (2018). ICD-11 complex PTSD among Israeli male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Construct validity and risk factors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 54, 49–56.
Koren, E., Siegel, A., Shlezinger, A., Sher-Dotan, M., & Dekel, R. (2018). The contribution of mastery to mental health and purpose in life among female veterans with disabilities in Israel. Health Care for Women International, 39(3), 289–302.
Gilbar, O., Dekel, R., Spector-Mersel, G., & Levi, O. (2018,). The crisis in achieving a sense of manhood among Israeli veterans who suffer From Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 20, 93-103.
Pagorek-Eshel, S., & Dekel, R. (2018). Fathers' authoritative and authoritarian attitudes and paternal involvement in a climate of political violence. Journal of Family Studies, 1-16. |
Dekel, R., Siegel, A., Fridkin, S., & Svetlitzky, V. (2018). Does it help? The contribution of wives' ways of giving support to their veteran husbands’ posttraumatic stress symptoms and functional impairment. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31, 856-865.
Cramm, H., Murphy, S., Godfrey, C. M., Dekel, R., & McKeown, S. (2018). Experiences of children exposed to parental post-traumatic stress disorder while growing up in military and veteran families: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16(4), 852-859.
Fait, K., Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Levi, N., Hod, H., & Matetzky, S. (2018). Cardiac-disease-induced PTSD and Fear of illness progression: Capturing the unique nature of disease-related PTSD. General Hospital Psychiatry, 53, 131-138.
Dekel, R., Siegel, A., Fridkin, S., & Svetlitzky, V. (2017). The double-edged sword: The role of empathy in military veterans’ partners distress. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 10, 216-224.
Dekel, R. (2017). My personal and professional trauma resilience truisms. Traumatology, 23(1), 10.
Hershkowitz M., Dekel, R,, Fridkin, S., & Freedman, S. (2017). Posttraumatic stress disorder, parenting, and marital adjustment among a civilian population. Front. Psychol. 8:1655. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01655
Tangir, G., Dekel, R., Lavi, T., Gewirtz, A. H., & Zamir, O. (2017). Children's adjustment in a climate of political violence: Comparing mother and child reports. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-10.
Gilbar, O., Benbenishty, R., Schiff, M., & Dekel, R. (2017). Foster parents exposed to political violence: The role of support in addressing emotional and functional difficulties. Children and Youth Services Review.
Schiff, M., Dekel, R., Gilbar, O., & Benbenishty, R. (2017). Posttraumatic distress and need for help among Israeli social workers in foster care agencies following armed conflict. Child & Family Social Work, 23, 466-474.
Ben-Porat, A., Levy, D., Kattoura, O., Dekel, R., & Itzhaky, H. (2017). Domestic violence in Arab society : A comparison of Arab and Jewish women in shelters in Israel. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1–20.
Dekel, R., & Solomon, D. (2016). The contribution of maternal care and control to adolescents’ adjustment following war. Journal of Early Adolescence, 36(2) 198-221. doi: 10.1177/0272431614561263.
Soskolne V., Dekel R., Vinker S. (2016). Glycemic control of diabetes patients under continuous rocket attacks. Disaster and Military Medicine, 2(1). DOI: 10.1186/s40696-016-0011-x.
Tangir, G., Dekel, R., Lavi, T., Gewirtz, A. H., & Zamir, O. (2016). The contribution of maternal care and control, and community type to children’s adjustment to political violence. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.
Dekel, R., Nuttman-Shwartz, O. & Lavi, T. (2016). Shared traumatic reality and boundary theory: How mental health professionals cope with the home/work conflict during continuous security threats, Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 15(2), 121-134, DOI: 10.1080/15332691.2015.1068251
Dekel, R., Levinstein, Y., Siegel, A., Fridkin, S., Svetlicky, V. (2015). Secondary traumatization of partners of war veterans: The role of boundary ambiguity. Journal of Family Psychology.
Pagorek-Eshel, S. & Dekel, R. (2015). Parental self-efficacy and paternal involvement in the context of political violence. Clinical Social Work Journal.
Lavi, T, Dekel, R., & Nuttman-Shwartz, O. (2015). Sharing the "Protected Room": therapeutic work in a Shared Traumatic Reality. Society and Welfare, 35(2), 261-284. (Hebrew).
Nuttman-Shwartz, O., Dekel, R., & Regev, I. (2015). Continuous exposure to life threats among different age groups in different types of communities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Vin-Raviv, N., Dekel, R., Barchana, M., Linn, S., & Keinan-Boker, L. (2015). Challenges in recruiting aging women holocaust survivors to a case control study of breast cancer. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 8(6), 265 – 272. doi:10.3928/19404921-20150522-07.
Lavi, T., Nuttman-Shwartz, O. & Dekel, R. (2015). Therapeutic intervention in a continuous shared traumatic reality: An example from the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. British Journal of Social Work, 1–17. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcv127.
Shoval-Zuckerman, Y., Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., & Levi, O. (2015). The effectiveness of early group intervention for military reserves soldiers: The role of the repressive coping style. The Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 52(3), 49.
Dekel, R., Solomon, D., Sturm, M. & Halpern, M. (2014). Aspects of coping among women with physical disabilities: a literature review. Society and Welfare, 34(3), 305-334. (Hebrew).
Tuval-Mashiach, R., Dekel, R. (2014). Religious meaning-making at the community level: The forced relocation from the Gaza Strip. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 6(1), 64-71.
Dekel, R., Vilchinsky, N., Liberman, G., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, M. (2014). Marital satisfaction and depression among couples following men's Acute Coronary Syndrome: Testing dyadic dynamics in a longitudinal design. British Journal of Health Psychology, 19(2), 347-362.
Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Revenson, T. A., Liberman, G., & Mosseri, M. (2014). Caregivers’ burden and depressive symptoms: The moderational role of attachment orientations. Health Psychology. Advance online publication.
Pardess, E., Mikulincer, M., Dekel, R, & Shaver, P.R. (2014). Dispositional attachment orientations, contextual variations in attachment security, and compassion fatigue among volunteers working with traumatized individuals. Journal of Personality. 82(5), 355-366.
Harel, G., Atzmon, T., Shapira, L. & Dekel, R. (2013). Group intervention with mothers of children who have been removed from the home. Society and Welfare, 33(3), 501-517. (Hebrew).
Bayer-Topilsky, Tali; Itzhaky, Haya; Dekel, Rachel; Marmor, Yariv N. (2013). Mental health and post traumatic growth in civilians exposed to ongoing terror. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 18(3), 227-247.
Lavi, T., Green, O., & Dekel, R.. (2013). The contribution of personal and exposure characteristics to the adjustment of adolescents following war. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 21-30.
Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Asher, Z., Leibowitz, M., Mosseri, M. (2013). The role of illness perceptions in the attachment-related process of affect regulation. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal, 26(3), 314-329.
Vin-Raviv, N., Dekel, R., Barchana, M., Linn, S. & Keinan-Boker, L. (2013). World War II-related post-traumatic stress disorder and breast cancer risk among Israeli women: a case-control study. International Psychogeriatric Association, 26(3), 499-508. doi:10.1017/S1041610213002081.
Dekel, R., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2012). Multiple losses of social resources following collective trauma: The case of the forced relocation from Gush Katif. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 4(1), 56-65.
Ranz, R., Dekel, R., Itzhaky, H. (2012). Therapeutic communities for drug addicts in Israel: Comparing addicts born in the Former Soviet Union and in Israel. Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 33(4), 155–165.
Nuttman-Shwartz, O., Dekel, R, & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2011). Post-traumatic stress and growth following forced relocation. British Journal of Social Work, 41, 486-501.
Ranz, R., & Dekel, R. (2011). Evaluating intervention outcomes in therapeutic communities for drug abuse: Comparing Israeli born and CIS-born users. Journal of Welfare and Social Security Studies, 85, 119-142. (Hebrew).
Shoval, Y., Levi, O., Dekel, R., Solomon, Z. (2011). Evaluating the current status of psychological debriefing: A review of clinical studies. Society and Welfare, 31, 173-204. (Hebrew).
Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Leibowitz, M., Reges, O., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, M. (2011). Dynamics of support perceptions among couples coping with cardiac illness: The effect on recovery outcomes. Health Psychology, 30(4), 411-419.
Dekel, R. & Baum, N. (2010). Intervention in a shared traumatic reality: A new challenge for social workers. British Journal of Social Work, 40, 1927-1944.
Dekel, R. (2010). Couple forgiveness, self-differentiation and secondary traumatization among wives of former POWs. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(7), 924-937.
Dekel, R. (2010). Mental health practitioners’ experiences during the shared trauma of the forced relocation from Gush Katif. Clinical Social Work Journal, 38, 388-396.
Dekel, R., & Monson, C. (2010). Military-related post-traumatic stress disorder and family relations: Current knowledge and future directions. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15, 303-309.
Peled, E., & Dekel, R. (2010). Excusable deficiency: Staff perceptions of mothering at shelters for abused women. Violence against Women, 16(11), 1224-1241.
Solomon, Z., Dekel, R., Zerach, G., & Horesh, D. (2009). Differentiation of the self and posttraumatic symptomatology among ex-POWs and their wives. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 35(1), 60-73.
Dekel, R., & Nuttman-Shwartz, O. (2009). Posttraumatic stress and growth: The contribution of cognitive appraisal and sense of belonging to the country. Health & Social Work, 34(2), 87-96.
Nuttman-Shwartz, O. & Dekel, R. (2009). Ways of coping and sense of belonging in the face of a continuous threat. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(8), 667-670.
Solomon, Z., Dekel, R. Zerach, G. (2009) Posttraumatic stress disorder and marital adjustment: The mediating role of forgiveness. Family Process, 48(4), 546–558.
Spiro, S., Dekel, R., Peled, E. (2009). Dimensions and correlates of client satisfaction: An evaluation of a shelter for runaway and homeless youth. Research on Social Work Practice, 19, 261-270.
Taft, C. T., Weatherill, R. P., Woodward, H. E., Pinto, L. A., Watkins, L. E., Miller, M. W., & Dekel, R. (2009). Intimate partner and general aggression perpetration among combat veterans presenting to a posttraumatic stress disorder clinic. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79(4), 461-468.
Ofir, S., Harel, D., Harpaz, A., Yanai, T., Zvineri, S., Reggev, N., & Dekel, R. (2009). Orphans in custody: Issues in rearing and caring for orphans whose both parents were killed in terror attacks. Journal of Welfare and Social Security Studies, 80, 129-152. (Hebrew).
Dekel, R., Enoch, G., & Solomon, Z. (2008). The contribution of captivity and PTSD to marital adjustment of Israeli couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25, 497-510.
Nuttman-Shwartz, O., & Dekel, R. (2008). Training students for a shared traumatic reality. Social Work, 53, 279-281.
Dekel, R., & Goldblatt, H. (2008). Is there intergenerational transmission of trauma? The case of combat veterans’ children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78, 281-289.
Dinshtein, J., & Dekel, R., & Polliack, M. (2008). The moderating role of maternal relationships in secondary traumatization among adult offspring of veterans with PTSD. Society & Welfare, 28, 267-292. (Hebrew).
Solomon, Z., Dekel, R. (2008). The contribution of loneliness and posttraumatic stress disorder to marital adjustment following war captivity: A longitudinal study. Family Process, 47, 261-272.
Solomon, Z., Dekel, R., & Mikulincer, M. (2008). Complex trauma of war captivity: A prospective study of attachment and post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychological Medicine, 38, 1427-1434.
Solomon, Z., Dekel, R., & Zerach, G. (2008). The relationship between posttraumatic stress symptom clusters and marital intimacy among war veterans. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(5), 659-666.
Kutz, I., Resnik, V., & Dekel, R. (2008). The effect of single-session modified EMDR on acute stress syndromes. Journal of EMDR Practice and research, 2(3), 190-200.
Magen, L., & Dekel, R. (2008). Long term implications of sibling loss in adulthood: Intimacy, meaning of life and mourning response. Megamot, 45, 555-575. (Hebrew).
Solomon, Z., & Dekel, R. (2007). PTSD and post traumatic growth among Israeli former POWs. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20, 303-312.
Nuttman-Shwartz, O. & Dekel, R. (2007). Challenges for students working in a shared traumatic reality. British Journal of Social Work, 39, 522-538.
Dekel, R. (2007). Post-traumatic distress and growth among wives of POWs: The contribution of husbands’ PTSD and their own attachment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77, 419-426.
Dekel, R. & Hobfoll, S. (2007). The impact of resource loss on Holocaust survivors facing war and terrorism in Israel. Aging & Mental Health, 11, 159-167.
Dekel, R. & Solomon, Z. (2006). Secondary traumatization among wives of Israeli POWs: The role of POWs’ distress. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 41, 27-33.
Dekel, R. & Solomon, Z. (2006). Marital relations among former prisoners of war: Contribution of posttraumatic stress disorder, aggression and sexual satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 709-712.
Dekel, R., Hantman, S., Ginzburg, K. & Solomon, Z. (2006). The cost of caring? Social workers in hospitals confront ongoing terrorism. British Journal of Social Work, 37(7), 1247-1261. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcl081.
Finzi-Dottan, R., Dekel, R., Lavi, T., Su’ali, T. (2006). Posttraumatic stress disorder reactions among children with learning disabilities exposed to terror attacks. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47, 144–151. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2005.05.001.
Itzhaky, H & Dekel, R. (2006). Community intervention with Jewish Israeli mothers in times of terror. British Journal of Social Work, 38(3), 462-475. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcl368.
Kutz, I. & Dekel, R. (2006). Follow-up of victims of one terrorist attack in Israel: ASD, PTSD and the perceived threat of Iraqi missile attacks. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1579–1589. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2006.01.002.
Roe, D., Dekel, R., Harel, G., Fennig, S. (2006). Clients’ reasons for terminating psychotherapy: A quantitative and qualitative inquiry. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 529–538. doi:10.1348/147608305X90412.
Roe, D., Dekel, R., Harel, G., Fennig, S., Fennig, S. (2006). Clients' feelings during termination of psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 70, 68-81. doi: 10.1521/bumc.2006.70.1.68.
Kovatz, S., Kutz, I., Rubin, G., Dekel, R., & Shenkman, L. (2006). Comparing the distress of American and Israeli medical students studying in Israel during a period of terror. Medical education, 40(4), 389-393.
Dekel, R., Goldblatt, H., Keidar, M., Solomon, Z., Polliack, M. (2005). Being a wife of a veteran with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Family Relations, 54, 24-36.
Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., & Bleich, A. (2005). Emotional distress and marital adjustment of caregivers: Contribution of level of impairment and appraised burden. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 18, 71-82.
Dekel, R., Goldblatt, H., & Solomon, Z. (2005). Trapped in captivity: Marital perceptions of wives of former prisoners of war. Women & Health, 42, 1-18.
Itzhaky, H & Dekel, R. (2005). Helping victims of terrorism: What makes social work effective? Social Work, 50(4), 335-343.
Peled, E., Spiro, S., & Dekel, R. (2005). My home is not my castle: Follow-up of residents of shelters for homeless youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 22, 3–4. doi: 10.1007/s10560-005-0011-z.
Solomon, Z. & Dekel, R. (2005). Posttraumatic stress disorder among Israeli ex-prisoners of war 18 and 30 years after release. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 66(8), 1031-1037.
Zeira, A. & Dekel, R. (2005). The self-image of adolescents and its relationship to their perceptions of the future. International Social Work, 48(2), 177–191. doi: 10.1177/0020872805050208.
Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., Ginzburg, K., Neria, Y. (2004). Long-term adjustment among Israeli war veterans: The role of attachment style. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 17(2), 141-152. doi: 10.1080/10615800410001721184.
Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., & Bleich, A. (2004). The contribution of social disability to the evaluation of mental disability among PTSD veterans. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 41(4), 237-247.
Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., Elklit, A., Ginzburg, K. (2004). World assumptions and combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Social Psychology, 144(4), 407-20.
Dekel, R. (2004). Motherhood in time of terror: Subjective experiences and responses of Israeli mothers. Affilia,19, 24-38.
Dekel, R., Benbenishty, R., Amram, Y. (2004). Therapeutic communities for drug addicts: Prediction of long-term outcomes. Addictive Behaviors, 29, 1833–1837.
Davidson-Arad, B., Dekel, R., Wozner, Y. (2004). Correspondence in residents’ and staff members’ assessments of the quality of life of children in residential care facilities. Social Indicators Research, 68, 77-89.
Itzhaky, H., Gerber, P., Dekel, R. (2004). Empowerment, skills, and values: A comparative study of nurses and social workers. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41, 447–455. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2003.10.012.
Cohen, E., Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., Lavie, T. (2003). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and fear of intimacy among treated and non-treated survivors who were children during the Holocaust. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiology, 38, 611–617. doi: 10.1007/s00127-003-0681-9.
Dekel, R., Solomon, Z., Ginzburg, K., Neria, Y. (2003). Combat exposure, wartime performance, and long-term adjustment among combatants. Military Psychology, 15(2), 117-131.
Ginzburg, K., Solomon, Z., Dekel, R., Neria, Y. (2003). Battlefield functioning and chronic PTSD: associations with perceived self efficacy and causal attribution. Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 463–476.
Dekel, R., Peled, E., Spiro, S. (2003). Shelters for houseless youth: A follow-up evaluation. Journal of Adolescence, 26, 201-212. doi:10.1016/S0140-1971(02)00130-6.
Cohen, E., Dekel, R., Solomon, Z. (2002). Long-term adjustment and the role of attachment among Holocaust child survivors. Personality and Individual Differences, 33, 299–310.
Peled, E., Spiro, S., Dekel, R. (2002). Where do they go from here? Destinations of youth exiting a shelter. Children and Youth Services Review, 24(4), 269-285.
Schelleles, S., & Dekel, R. (2001). Personality organization of post-traumatic stress disorders patients and their spouses. Sichot, XV, 208-218. (Hebrew).
Neria, Y., Guttman-Steinmetz, S., Koenen, K., Levinovsky, L., Zakin, G., Dekel, R. (2001). Do attachment and hardiness relate to each other and to mental health in real-life stress? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 18(6), 844-858.
Dekel, R., & Peled, E. (2000). Staff burnout in Israeli battered women’s shelters. Journal of Social Service Research, 26, 65-76.
Ben Arzi, N., Solomon, Z., & Dekel, R. (2000). Secondary traumatization among wives of PTSD and post-concussion casualties: Distress, caregiver burden and psychological separation. Society & Welfare, 20, 585-602. (Hebrew).
Cohen, O. & Dekel, R. (2000). Sense of coherence, ways of coping, and well being of married and divorced mothers. Contemporary Family Therapy, 22(4), 467-486.
Neria, Y., Solomon, Z., Ginzburg, K., Dekel, R. (2000). Sensation seeking, wartime performance, and long-term adjustment among Israeli war veterans. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 921-932.
Neria, Y., Solomon, Z., Dekel, R., & Ginzburg, K. (2000). Redeemed Yom Kippur War prisoners: Predictors of adjustment problems-therapeutic and rehabilitative Implications. Society and Welfare, 20, 159-174. (Hebrew).
Neria, Y., Solomon, Z., Ginzburg, K., Dekel, R., Enoch, D., & Ohry, A. (2000). Posttraumatic residues of captivity: A follow up of Israeli ex-prisoners of war. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 61(1), 39-46.
Shindler, S., Frid, B., Zomer, E., Friedman, A., Dekel, R., & Solomon, Z. (2000). The contribution of support, containment and setting boundaries toward coping in post traumatic families. Society and Welfare, 20, 463-480. (Hebrew).
Neria, J., Solomon, Z., & Dekel, R. (2000). Adjustment to war captivity: The role of socio-demographic background, trauma severity, and immediate response, in the long-term mental health of Israeli, ex-POWs. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 13, 229-246.
Neria, Y., Solomon, Z., & Dekel, R. (1998). Eighteen-year follow-up study of Israeli prisoners of war and combat veterans. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 186, 174-182.
Neria, Y., Solomon, Z., Ginzburg, K., Dekel, R., Enoch, D., & Ohry, A. (1998). The emotional cost of war for soldiers and civilians in Israeli society. Society and Welfare, 18, 125-139. (Hebrew).